About this Blog

This Blog is for Students, who find difficult to understand some topics of physics and Electricity.
In this Blog you will find Knowledge of physics and knowledge of electricity in the form of easy notes.
The topics have written individually, every post consists of only one single topic
Almost every topic consists of its,
1. Definition
2. Explanation
3. At least one Example
4. Formula(for related topics)
5. Unit(for related topics)
6. Diagram and related picture
The articles written on this blog are in very easy wording and they are explained very well, There is nothing like mystery in any article which causes confusion.
And we try our best to make the article conceptual through using easy wording and giving related pics or diagram.  And most important thing is that, All the articles written on this Blog are uncopied form any other source. Every article written in this Blog is purely original.
Yes there are references of some other website just for confirmation, But they are minors in magnitudes.   

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