Wednesday 3 January 2018

Electric Potential: definition, explanation, example.


"Electric potential is the amount of word done in moving a point test charge from its original position(reference position) to some specific point or position, while moving the charge in direction opposite to direction of field in which charge is present."


The definition above seem to be difficult to understand the electric potential but I will explain it briefly.
Consider their is a positive point charge A, which have its own electric field around it. And there is another positive test charge B which has no electric field.

 When we will move the test charge B towards the electric field of point charge A then test charge B will move away from the point charge A. This is natural that charge always move from high potential to low potential.

low potential is the area where the charge feels less force while high potential is the area where the force is high.

So to move charge, against its natural movements. we have to provide electric potential or force or to do work. To move test charge B towards the charge A we have to apply some potential which is electric potential, to move the charge from low potential to high potential. So charge B will gain potential energy while moving towards high potential from low potential.

Electric potential is the basic studies of charges behavior with each other. So if you feel there is some type of confusion feel free to comment. The post will be update!

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