Thursday 4 January 2018

What is Charge, current, voltage? Definition explanation



“Charge or Electrical charge is the property of, unit of a matter”


Charge does not physically exist; this is only a theoretical word. Yes, we use the word charge physically in many topics, just to describe the topic by taking a simple or basic thing (charge). Charge tells that how the matter will react with the other matter or in a magnetic field or in a electric field.
A matter is named as charge, only when there is a difference in number of electrons and number of protons in atom of that matter. If there are more electrons than proton in atom then it is negative charge and if there are more protons than electrons then it is positive charge. Hence this is two types of charge negative and positive charge.


The unit of charge is Coulomb and represented by q. 



“Current is the rate of flow of electric charges.”


Current is the flow of electric charges which is free electrons. Current flows in a circuit when there is pressure or some force applied to the charges in a circuit. Current flows from negative end to towards positive end. Rate of flow means, how much charges will flow in some fix time. There are two types of current. AC and DC.
AC means alternating current. The current which changes its direction of flow after half interval is known as alternating current.
DC means direct current. The current which flow in only one direction is known as DC current.
Each type of current has its own application.


Unit of current is A Ampere.
“When one coulomb charge will flow in one second through some point, then current will be one ampere.”



“Voltage is a force or pressure which causes the charges to flow through circuit.”


As we discuss in explanation section of current that , current flows through the circuit when some force or pressure applied to the charges in circuit. That force and pressure is Voltage. It is also known as potential difference. In some words, Voltage is the power of current. Means with how much power the current is flowing. The more the voltages the more the rate of flow of current in a circuit.


Unit of voltage is V volt.

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