Thursday 7 December 2017

Capacitive and Inductive Reactance and their explanation

Capacitive Reactance:-

"Capacitive reactance is the resistance offer by capacitor to the current."


Whenever there is current flows through the capacitor there is the opposition offer by it to the current, which causes delay in its charging. And its this reactance depends upon the frequency of AC current flowing through it. the more the frequency the less its reactance will be and less the frequency the more the reactance will be. The formula for the capacitive reactance is below.

Inductive Reactance:-

"Inductive reactance is the resistance offer by inductor to the current flowing through it."


When AC current flows through the inductor it offer some resistance to the current. it depends upon the frequency of current. The more the frequency the more the reactance and less the frequency less the reactance. This behaviour is of inductor when AC current flows through it.

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