Saturday 9 December 2017

Self Induction, definition explanation formula unit

Self Inductance:-

"Self inductance is the property of coil to oppose change in current flowing through it"


Consider there is a coil wire and current is flowing through it, whenever the current will change flowing through it, then there will induced emf which is known as self induced emf. And its direction will be opposite to the the current flowing through it. If current is increasing then self induced emf will try to decrease or flow in direction opposite to the current. But if current through the coil is decreasing then the induced emf will try to increase this current or will go in same direction as current is flowing.
In other simple words, Self induce emf will try to oppose in change in current.
This phenomena is known as Self induction.


The formula for self induction could be derive from the formula of induced emf formula.
Where L is the self induction, E is the induced emf and di/dt is the rate of changing current.

From this it is clear that self induction will increase when induced emf will increase and will decrease when rate of changing current will increase.


Unit of self inductance is Henry(H).
"There will be 1 Henry of self inductance when induced voltage will be one and current will change 1 ampere in one second."

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