Wednesday 6 December 2017

Capacitor, definition, formula, explanation, Capacitance


"Capacitor is an electrical device which is used to store energy or charges between its plates."


Capacitor is use to store charge so that we could use it later by discharging it. It stores electrical charge between its parallel plates which are known as conducting plates of capacitor. There is no connection between these conducting parallel plates. They are separated by air or some dielectric. We use dielectric in capacitor to increase its efficiency. By using dielectric we could store more charge between its plates.
Capacitor doesn't allow dc current to flow through it because DC current flows only in one direction. so, it after charging from dc current it allows to flow through it as there is nothing in the circuit.
While it allows AC current to flow through it because ac current changes its direction after half interval, so capacitor charges at first half and discharges at 2nd half.


Capacitance is the ability of a capacitor to store charge. Capacitance tells us that how much charge we can store between the plates of capacitor. Capacitance is the unit of capacitor in one way. While capacitance has unit Farad. Farad is define as,
"When there will be 1 volts across capacitor then it will charge one coulomb, its mean capacitor have one farad capacitance."


By seeing definition of farad we could write formula for the capacitance of capacitor,
Q = CV
C = Q/V

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