Tuesday 5 December 2017

Why like charges repel each other and unlike charges attract each other?

Why like charges repel each other?

"Like charges repel each other because, it depends upon where the two charges have their electric field forces directed."

As positive charge have electric field lines going away from it and when two positive charge particles come near to each other there electric field lines tries to bend each other and their lines of forces are opposite in direction with respect to each other so both particles tries to send away to each other and hence in this way they repels each other.
Below diagram explain all the things which is described above.

Why unlike charges attract each other?

Like charges attract each other because their electric field lines are in the same direction in respective to each other, as we know Negative charge have electric field lines towards it(or coming to each other), and positive charge have away from it or going away from it. so when both comes near to each other, while negative charge tries to attract positive charge and positive charge tries to move towards negative each other.
Below picture explain all the phenomena describe above.

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