Wednesday 6 December 2017

Power, its definition, explanation, formula, unit


"Power is define as rate of doing work or Work done per unit time."


Power is the doing some work, taking less time. Power depends upon doing work and time taken to complete the work. A person have more power will do more work but take less time and person have less power will do less work but will take more time. So this is the concept of power. Work does not depend upon time while power depends upon. so this is the only difference between them.


The formula for power is work done per unit time.

Power = Work / time

as work is equal to 

work = F.d

so power would have,

Power = Force.displacement / time
P = F.d / t


Unit of power Watt  is define as " If one joule of work is done in one second then power will be one watt"
P = F.d / t
Watt= Newton. meter / seconds
Watt = joule / second.

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